JAR (human choriocarcinoma) whole cell lysate (denatured)
Whole cell lysate (denatured).
JAR (human choriocarcinoma) whole cell lysate (non-denatured
Whole cell lysate (non-denatured).
LNCaP clone FGC (human prostate carcinoma) whole cell lysate
LNCaP clone FGC (human prostate carinoma) nuclear extract ly
Nuclear extract cell lysate (denatured).
SW-13 (human small cell carcinoma of the adrenal cortex) who
T-47D (human breast duct carinoma) whole cell lysate (denatu
THP-1 (human acute monocytic leukemia) whole cell lysate (de
THP-1 (human acute monocytic leukemia) whole cell lysate (no