Rabbit Anti-Sheep IgM (mu) secondary antibody
Rabbit anti-sheep IgG recognizes sheep IgM mu heavy chain. This secondary antibody was purified using delipidation and defibrination.
Goat Anti-Pig IgG (H&L) secondary antibody
Goat anti-pig IgG recognizes pig IgG whole molecule. This secondary antibody was purified using antigen affinity chromatography.
Rabbit Anti-Pig IgG F(ab')2 secondary antibody
Rabbit anti-pig IgG recognizes pig IgG F(ab')2 fragment. This secondary antibody was purified using antigen affinity chromatography.
Rabbit Anti-Pig serum secondary antibody
Rabbit anti-pig IgG recognizes pig serum proteins. This secondary antibody was purified using delipidation and defibrination.
Rabbit Anti-Pig IgG (H&L) secondary antibody
Rabbit anti-pig IgG recognizes pig IgG whole molecule. This secondary antibody was purified using delipidation and defibrination.
Rabbit anti-pig IgG recognizes pig IgG F(ab')2 fragment. This secondary antibody was purified using delipidation and defibrination.
Rabbit Anti-Pig IgM (mu) secondary antibody
Rabbit anti-pig IgG recognizes pig IgM mu heavy chain. This secondary antibody was purified using delipidation and defibrination.
Rabbit Anti-Turkey IgG (H&L) secondary antibody
Rabbit anti-turkey IgG recognizes turkey IgG whole molecule. This secondary antibody was purified using delipidation and defibrination.
BioMag®Plus Mouse anti-Fluorescein IgG