Results for Nucleic Acids ( 3145 )
- From: €150.00
Purity is suitable for all molecular biology applications. Free of RNA, protein, nucleotide, RNase, and DNase contamination. pUC plasmids are virtually pure supercoiled form, containing minimal nicked plasmid and chromosomal DNA contamination. M13 double stranded plasmids are further purified to remove all residual single stranded phage DNA, which can interfere with transformations. M13mp18 ssDNA and M13mp19 ssDNA are useful for DNA origami applications. pUC plasmids and M13 ssDNA are supplied in TE buffer at 1.0 ug/ul concentration. M13 dsDNA plasmid is supplied at 0.50 ug/ul concentration.
- Ref: N-1510-25
- Ref: N-1511-25
- Ref: N-1512-25